S10 D4 E1 -- Some Assembly Required -- Frasier helps the KACL team build a house for the charity 'Housing for Humanity' but
seems to think he played a far more important role than he did, and that this involvement gives him the right to give the
new residents his advice on how they should decorate it. Meanwhile, Mrs Moon gets a job at Cafe Nervosa, and Martin and Eddie
are a hit giving a safety talk at a local school.
S10 D4 E2 -- Farewell Nervosa -- Frasier and Niles are forced to seek a new coffee house after the cafe hires a loud and annoying
folk singer to entertain customers. At one of their newly found haunts, Frasier discovers that Julia is having an affair with
a married man - his accountant Avery!
S10 D4 E3 -- The Devil and Dr Phil -- Frasier meets up with an old friend of his, Dr Phil - now a daytime chat show king -
and is surprised to learn that his former agent, Bebe Glazer, has been Dr Phil's agent for the past year, and seriously considers
returning to Bebe's clutches. She, however, doesn't just want to get him back - she wants to seduce him too...!
S10 D4 E4 -- Fathers And Sons -- Frasier and Niles are paid a visit by their mother s former research assistant, Leland Barton,
and Roz is surprised at the similarities between Leland and the Crane brothers - so much so that she wonders if Leland could
be their father. She mentions this to Martin who begins to wonder the same thing too!
S10 D4 E5 -- Analyzed Kiss -- A depressed Julia turns to Frasier for support after she and Avery break up but he is surprised
when the pair of them end up kissing. Julia tries to avoid Frasier for the next few days but finally Frasier manages to make
Julia see she is ready for a date. Meanwhile, Roz goes for a job interview as program director for a rival station...
S10 D4 E6 -- A New Position For Roz -- Roz tries to train Noel as Frasier s producer as she prepares to leave KACL but she
becomes increasingly concerned at how close Julia and Frasier are becoming leading Roz to confront Frasier and ask him to
choose between her and Julia...